Where Does the Time Go??
It has been almost exactly three months since I have posted here. This site is one of four places on the web that I am registered to actually blog on a regular basis. I haven't visited a one of them in the last three months. Technically, it is a couple weeks short of three months, but still, it has been a very long time.
I scan through some of the blogs that are here and I wonder how people find the time to blog and have a full time life! I don't even have a full time job, but cannot find the time to regularly post at any one of the places I am a member of here on the web.
Each time I realize that it has been a while since I have been here, I make these silly pronouncements that I will post a bit more regularly, and then I do it again, only for a lot longer.
But I am back and saying again that I am going to try and post again. We will see, right? ;-)